Borough Administrator

The Borough Administrator is the Chief Administrative Officer of the municipality and is responsible for the day to day operations of the organization.
The Administrator reports to and takes guidance from the Mayor & Council

The Borough Administrator shall have the following duties: 

  • Assist the Mayor, Council and CFO in the preparation of the Borough's budget and administer the budget after its adoption and implement the work programs contained in the budget. 
  • Serve as the purchasing officer of the Borough and administer a centralized purchasing system in accordance with the provisions of governing statutes and sound purchasing practices. 
  • Prescribe and enforce rules and regulations for the efficient management of the Borough government, consistent with the ordinances and Borough Code and the State of New Jersey. 
  • Coordinate the operation and administration of the various departments, divisions, offices and agencies of the Borough government. 
  • Supervise all personnel of the Borough in conjunction with the Mayor & Council through the respective department heads, unless otherwise provided for by law or by any other ordinance of the Borough of Emerson. 
  • Report to the Mayor and Council the monthly administrative activities of the Borough. 
  • Receive all complaints regarding services or personnel in the Borough; investigate and dispose of all complaints, keeping a written record of each complaint, the response made and action taken with copies thereof to be provided to the Mayor and Council. 
  • Inform the Mayor and Council as to state and federal aid programs for which the Borough may qualify. 
  • Oversee Borough insurances, including but not limited to the Joint Insurance Fund, and other Borough programs. 
  • Maintain appropriate channels of communication with social and service organizations that affect the Borough. 
  • The Borough Administrator and/or the Borough Clerk shall be authorized to open bids received by the Borough in accordance with law


Borough Administrator:
Mr. Robert G. Hermansen



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