Land Use Board

The Municipal Land Use Board has a wide range of responsibilities among which is the responsibility of making many important decisions regarding development and safety within the Borough of Emerson. The Land Use Board is directly responsible for generating and updating Emerson's Master Plan, and is involved in developing and implementing broad land use policies for guiding the growth of the municipality. An integral part of a municipality’s decision making process is the Master Plan. Without the land use element of the Master Plan, a municipality cannot have a valid Zoning Ordinance.


The Land Use Board has specific authorities over subdivision control and site plan review, the Official Map, Zoning Ordinances and Capital Improvements Program. Moreover, it has been vested with quasi-judicial power in that when reviewing subdivision and site plan applications, it can decide “Variances” and establish procedures for the review of such applications.


The Land Use Board may also become involved in the review of other State or Federal programs or plans, assemble data for planning purposes and perform other advisory duties as assigned to it by the Governing Body, to aid them in the planning process.


The Board is responsible to hear appeals for “adjustments” in specific cases, whereby an applicant’s proposal does not and cannot meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance. This Board will also hear and decide appeals, where it is alleged by an applicant that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or refusal made by an administrative officer, based upon or made in the enforcement of the zoning ordinance.


The variances granted by this Board are based upon the review of the application as it relates to a specific property, when the strict application of the regulation will impose difficulties or hardship to the applicant, through no fault of their own. No variance or other relief may be granted unless it can be so done without substantial detriment to the public good and will not substantially impair the intent and purpose of the zone plan and zoning ordinance.

 2025 Land Use Board members:

Rich Taub Class IV / Chair
Jeff Bischoff Class IV 
Mayor DiPaola Class I
Megan Quigley Class II
Councilwoman Megan Ciolino Class III
Sal Massaro Class IV
Michael Cimino Class IV
Paul Hulburt Class IV
Rich Worthington Class IV
Dominick Aramini Alternate I
Eric Ciavaglia Alternate II
Anthony Khiami Alternate III
Marie Shust Secretary


2025 Land Use Board Professionals

Kenneth Porro, Esq.

Chasan Lamparello Mallon & Capuzzo

Land Use Board Attorney

David R. Atkinson, PE, PP, CME

Neglia Group

Land Use Board Engineer

Caroline Reiter, PP AICP

T&M Associates

Land Use Board Planner

Land Use Board Signed Resolutions 2025

Land Use Board Signed Resolutions 2021