Mayor's Message Monday, March 31, 2020


In an effort to assist our home bound and disabled residents, we are sharing the following information about our local Meals on Wheels program. If you live alone and cannot drive and are home bound due to age or disability, you may be eligible to receive two full meals each weekday from Pascack Valley Meals on Wheels. Or if you know an Emerson resident in this situation, we ask that you reach out to them about this service.  The Borough is working with Meals on Wheels in order to deliver and subsidize the cost during the Covid-19 State of Emergency.  For more information, eligibility requirements and an application, please contact Pascack Valley Meals on Wheels at 201-358-0050, visit their website: or contact the office of the Borough Clerk at 201-262-6086, Option 9.


If you feel you are sick, please contact your primary physician. As always, I am here for you. If you have any questions, please email me at or text me 24/7 at 201-509-1534 (text only please). I will do my best to be responsive and careful to address any concerns you may have so we can get through this together as a community. Please stay safe and continue to practice ‘social distancing’.