History of the Emerson Redevelopment: Part IV (2011 - 2014)

This is the forth in a series of historical background facts on the history of Redevelopment in Emerson.

Review of the Borough’s Redevelopment files for these four (4) years does not reveal any activity towards accomplishing any redevelopment from 2011 through 2014. One property in the Redevelopment Zone, in Block 419, was redeveloped in accordance with the requirements of the Plan. That Kinderkamack Road property is a mixed use development, consisting of two (2) residential units over retail with onsite parking, with a martial arts studio now occupying the ground floor retail space.

In March 2013, the building where Ranchero Cantina was formerly located, together with the two (2) lots to the west of the restaurant, were sold in bankruptcy to the present owner, 214 Kinderkamack, LLC for $1,016,000.00. (See link to Sheriff’s Deed dated March 4, 2013)

During this time period, the Borough began the task of turning the County approved Concept Plan for the Kinderkamack Road improvements into construction drawings. Some efforts were also made to obtain the necessary easements and transfer of properties necessary to accomplish the widening of Kinderkamack Road. However, there is no evidence that the County was ready to fund the work, which, as in the case of all County projects involving municipal streets and railroad crossings, calls for the costs to be shared among the County, municipality and New Jersey Transit/DOT.

As I was not in office during this four (4) year period, I am relying upon review of the files, as well as information provided by Council President Chris Knoller.
As usual, please feel free to reach out with any questions to mayor@emersonnj.org.

I will pick up with the developments occurring in 2015 in my next offering.